How to start a blog?
Learn about blog content marketing in Ireland.
Are you interested in how to start a blog with quality content? You are in a right place! This is one of the series of informational articles helping you to start in the internet world. It is important to realize that the basic blog can be set up with just few clicks by using one of the available free platforms like Blogger or Tumblr
How to start a blog – time to think about what are going to write about.
What is your passion? What are your interests? What will you enjoy writing about? Those are important questions that you should ask yourself before starting. If there is any subject or or an industry that you have experience in? Those factors will help you writing articles that are focused and relevant to your reader. Blogs are websites that are content driven and by following simple guidelines you can keep your follower interested and constantly increase amount of visits.
Should I pick a free blog or a self hosted blog?
When deciding between paid and free blog you have to consider couple major factors:
- Are you interested in a long term or a short term blogging? – If you are just trying out blogging and do not have any long term plans you should probably choose the free option. You can always migrate your blog to self hosted website later.
- What is your budget? – There are two main expenses associated with using a self hosted blog: domain – €9 – €20 yearly; and hosting – starting from just couple Euro per month. There are some good Irish based hosting companies and some great international ones. This is a list of just some of them: - Are there any additional functions that you want to implement in the future? – Self hosted blog would be a lot easier to expand. There is selection great designer templates, newsletter modules and marketing plugins. One of the most popular self hosted blogging platforms is
In next articles we will guide you through setting up your first free blog using Blogger and we will show you premium features available with self hosted blog.
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