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What is the most important skill in good sales techniques
We are a digital agency in Waterford. What is the first thing which comes to mind? There are many, but in my opinion listening is ahead of them all. Why? Because this is the most important tool for yourself and for your current and potential clients. In a lot of cases you can assess what the client needs as oppose what they think they want. In a lot of cases clients know what they want but in order to get there, they need some new tools. Listening is the key focus and when you are dealing with customers/potential clients you need to be able to have a conversation on their level by using body language and visuals or text depending on the type of person. Ask your client whether they prefer a visual or text information. Asking the client is key to build your relationship, because if you listen correctly to them, they will respect you as you have respected them. Fact find is crucial in this process and this can be done by writing down the answers from your client or memorizing them, to write down at a later time. Being able to read the situation is key. I have learnt another tool which is very valuable – to remove any outcome preconceptions. Why? Because I feel this blocks your ability to listen and if you are focusing only on getting the sale, then it might not happen. By doing this process it allows you to focus on giving your client value as well as yourself, why? Because every situation and client are different and if you are open to learning, you can improve yourself and the service you are offering. You have to improve every day and through every meeting. Awareness is the key to any improvement. If you want to know more about improving your sales techniques, sign up for our Newsletter. We will send you monthly updates of new blog content. You can also contact us for more information Contact us Dublin: 01 442 9054 | Cork: 021 234 8019 | Mobile: 085 251 2558 Email info@brandyou.ie [/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]Tagged with: sales techniques