Think time alpha state
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Spending time doing things that you like to do, valuing yourself, time away from business is one of the key ingredients to success in your business.For example, m
ovie director Steven Spielberg always has a pen and a pad in his car. His best ideas for movies came to him while driving.
For me, when I spend time exercising, cooking and walking, all my solutions and ideas come to me at this time. So knowing and valuing yourself is key and part of your business strategy.Like I always say, personal and business are connected. One of Richard Branson’s phrases is that he runs his personal life like his business and his business like his personal life. Like everything in life, we need passion to succeed, and there is nothing more powerful than personal passion with personal power, mixed with correct information, a good team, mentors and a correct plan & strategy.In order to have all of the above, you need to understand the alpha state and value yourself, like I have mentioned in my valuing blog – You need to make time for yourself, and do the things you like to do. Hobbies are great fun, and nurturing yourself is so important, and as adults and in business, so many of us forget to do this. Yes, we forget about ourselves and if you do, then why not stop what you are doing and invest some time for you?By investing this time, your business will improve because you will be a happier person, and a happier person makes better decisions. Better decisions means better results for you, your business and all the people around you.I will give you example. I wrote this blog while I was away in Asia. My trip consisted of 17 nights away, including both business and holiday time. When I say business, about 4 hours per day for 5 days, with the rest of the time doing the things I like, but here is the key point to what I am getting to … every day I write about my experiences in business … a blog, so you could say I am working everyday but I don’t view it this way, because it’s my passion.My passion is doing what I love doing … everything that I do, I love, and is part of my life, so the majority of the time I don’t have to try or make a big effort, nor do I say ‘’oh no, I have to work’’. So while I was enjoying my morning skipping, looking at a beautiful view from my balcony, some great ideas came to me, including solutions for issues that we all face in business. This is how I develop; I understand and truly value think time the alpha state.In addition, I would like to share with you some other great rewards that come from doing this for yourself. Every day, life rewards me even in unexpected ways. I like to say that my belief is that I deserve the best, accept the best and this comes from unexpected opportunities that you might not have thought about, or would not have been able to see as an opportunity, if your belief system does not believe you deserve it.While I was in Asia, I met some great people and maybe just by coincidence, where I was staying in my apartment, I got to meet the owner of the apartment, who owns a number of apartments in a complex in the Philippines. It is an eco-friendly building, the first of its kind, really beautiful, so while I was in his company, I expressed an interest in an apartment. After we talked, he took me to his real estate office, where is a broker, selling and managing the apartments. I also found out that he has a building company, and his company was responsible for building this great building.While I was talking with this gentleman, he introduced me to a consultant whom he hires to come into his company and do coaching. We spoke about each of our businesses, and exchanged business cards. From the meeting, we talked about the coaching & development side to the business and also the online market. We established that in his country, coaching and online business are only begging to touch the market and there are so many opportunities.What I am saying here is that there are so many opportunities in life and business, and understanding yourself is vital in order to achieve success and believing that you deserve success. Valuing yourself and your time is pertinent to dealing with things more efficiently, leading to your decision-making being more effective, resulting in opportunities, and people being attracted to you.Why? Because you value yourself and your time … which means you value other people and their time too.So, having think time is critical to the alpha state.Here are some ways to help you think about what it is you really like doing in your spare time. Remember being creative is what we are all about, and if you give yourself time being creative, then you can be creative in your business. After all we are looking for new creative ways to develop your business, and in order to change or think differently, we need to be creative … Right?Time with family
A walk by yourself or with loved ones
Horse riding
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