Clonmel Motors Cycles, E- Commerce Website, Planning
Here’s how it looks like to work with a web development agency in Dublin.
This client signed up for ‘increase your sales’ service. They already had an E- Commerce website. I have been in touch with this client for over one and a half years to two years. When we first were in contact he realized he had to increase his online presence for the business. Over time I showed him what we produced, what we did for our clients, and in February of this year he signed up for the ‘increase your sales’ service.
Although he already had an E- Commerce website, the current one was not effective in terms of design, functionality, and product interaction. The functionality again needed improvement. Likewise, even though his actual name and his company were quite strong, the brand and logo were quite weak so we said we would rebrand it.I feel the most important thing with most clients or companies is to sit down and spend time planning the new site, how we want it to look , site functionality ,the do’s and the don’ts, the old website, what works and what doesn’t work, social media planning, internet marketing, and the SEO. We sat down with one of his work colleagues and did the plan.
We spent over six weeks doing the plan before we even went to design. From there we discovered that we wanted to do a SEO campaign geared towards the UK, Ireland and possibly even ship to parts of Europe. This involved quite an in-depth keywords research in the UK and Ireland and required new domains and URLs to maximize the SEO aspect.
We came up with a number of domains –motorcycle world online, .ie, and .com. we did not own the Clonmel motorcycles domain so we purchased that. What I would like to stress is that to increase your sales, the number one thing is planning. The more time you spend on the planning process is crucial.
Likewise, during the development stages you need to sit down, check everything is in the right place, that you have the correct copy, and the correct terms and conditions (especially for the online shop). At brand you, the set up period is all about careful planning and making sure everyone is on board.
During the planning process, we incorporate ‘how to increase your sales’ training to full potential. As it is a 24 month strategy it takes time. That is why we develop the how to increase your sales service through our clients. By taking it step by step and focusing on planning and strategy, the client does not become overwhelmed.
Not only do we provide our clients with all the information needed but we also train and coach them in areas they don’t feel confident. Over the 24 month period they become confident and fully competent in in different areas of the internet-offline and online. We also offer them lots of tips, and advice on the most effective ways to advertise online and offline. Likewise, we show the current sales trends and how to increase your sales within the target market.
Want to know more about increase your sales development/coaching service, Plan a Project With Us
Contact us Dublin: 01 442 9054 | Cork: 021 234 8019 | Mobile: 085 251 2558
Email [email protected]